Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Early Years
My love for piano began at a very young age. As a child, I watched my mother teach 20-40 students every year while maintaining a home and caring for her own 7 children. I started taking formal lessons when I was 5 years old. With 5 older siblings and 30-40 piano students playing on our piano, the only time I was able to practice was at 6AM! I would set my own alarm and get up on my own to practice because I loved it. Not only would I practice my own assignments, but I secretly took pleasure in practicing my older sister's music as well!

I began playing at competitions in the 7th grade, and with my mother's guidance, I started teaching piano when I was 14 years old. By the time I was a senior in high school, I had 20 piano students. I continued taking private piano and voice lessons until I graduated high school. Because I performed in high school Honor Choir, Madrigals, and 3 years of Arizona All-State choir, most of my high school repertoire centered around accompaniments. I accompanied numerous peers for auditions, competitions, and school performances, as well as our church choir.

College Years
Though I continued teaching piano while attending Brigham Young University, I desired to obtain a new skill set and received a BS in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. In 2001 I taught English in a private Chinese school in Hefei, Anhui, China. After college I worked at a residential treatment center for troubled youth both as a staff and later as head cook. I have had wonderful opportunities to learn to connect with and teach young children and teenagers. Music is a new language for most children and requires a steady, patient, creative teacher who can create a fun and safe learning environment.

Recent Years
After college we moved to TX for my husband's work. My first order of business after moving into my own home was to purchase an antique upright grand like I learned on, and to start a piano studio! I have had wonderful students over the past few years here. Since moving here, we have had three sons.

I love to play piano,
and I would love for you or your child to come play piano with me!

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